Gift Ideas for a Tabletop Roleplaying Gamer

Got a special someone who's into (or wants to be into) tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder RPG, or Starfinder? Don't worry; we've got you covered with our latest gift guide!

Plastic Dice
They come in a variety of colors. You can get a bunch for cheap.

On the other end of the spectrum from plastic dice are metal dice. They ooze quality. They're very heavy, and can be very pretty. Darksilver Forge has 4 different colored sets of metal dice:

Dice Trays
No matter if you have plastic dice or metal dice, it's better to roll in a dice tray. With metal dice, a dice tray is a requirement or else you can actually damage a table! Darksilver Forge has taken the standard dice tray and 1-upped it. There are 4 different styles in 2 different sizes:

D&D Starter Set
For people who are interested in Dungeons & Dragons, but don't know where or how to begin.

Dungeon Tiles
Sometimes when you're in a sewer, you just want it to look like you're in a sewer, amirite?

D&D Miniatures
For those that play with dungeon tiles or a game mat, it's always fun to have miniatures to denote who's who, where the monsters are, etc.

Hero Grips (an alternative to miniatures)
Miniatures are awesome, no doubt, but they're expensive, especially if you need a lot of them. It's also hard to find miniatures that fit exactly what you need. That's where Hero Grips come in. They're cardboard game stands that you can draw on to customize them, and they would take the place of miniatures.

D&D Books

You can't go wrong with the official books, unless your gift recipient already has them:

ABCs of D&D
For the little adventurers. 

LED Potion Desk Lamp
Oh come on, you know you want this. Look at it!